Thursday, 14 November 2013

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

Joey pigza Swallowed The Key from Room16 Parkvale on Vimeo.
Last Friday Hannah,Lily,Olivia and I did a trailer on the book Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key. It has been our class book. I was Joey, Hannah was Mrs Maxy, Olivia was Mum and Lily was the filmer and the principal. I thought it was really fun.What do you think of it? Please comment.                                                                                                        


  1. Wow Bree that is very good acting and a very good trailer! Well done you guys keep up the good work and the trailers.

  2. Wow Bree!
    What a great post on your Joey Pigza movie.
    I like the way you have done a movie for the book.
    It is an excellent idea.
    I also the the way you have told the reader who is each person for the character from the book.
    The photo of you in the green hat is incredible.
    I heard that you were Joey Pigza.
    Well done:)

  3. Wow Bree that is very good movie that you did and I liked your acting as well. Great photo as well.
    Well Done Bree.
    Keep up the good work.


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