Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Literacy circle

 Lately my reading group have been reading the book A birthday in the life of Ozzie Kingsford by Val Bird and illustrated by Rebecca Cundy I have a great time reading it. As well as reading the book we got assignments to do like passage picker, summariser,discussion director and some others. Here are some photos of the assignments.I hope you like it please comment.
This is the passage picker assignment 
This is the word master assignment 
This is the connector assignment
it is my favourite one.

This is my reading group sharing our assignments.

Reflection for the book Ozzie Kingsford

Something I was pleased with was that my group did a great job reading the book and doing their assignments

and we had a lot of fun doing it.

I really enjoyed learning about the adventure that Ozzie had going to the beach on his birthday and having trouble on the way with his family.
Something I found hard was trying to find different Ideas when we were doing the assignments so they weren't all the same. 

My favourite part in the book is were the wasps attack them and they have to walk for ages.                            


  1. Great work bree
    Sounds like a good book:)

  2. Fantastic post, Bree. I like how you used the poster app for your reflections. You showed lots of responsibility in your literacy circle.

  3. Wow Bree!!
    this post is very interesting
    Keep it up!

  4. Wow Bree!
    What a great post on the book called A Birthday In A Life Of Ozzie Kingsford.
    I like how you have done a great reflection to go with your post too.
    I can't wait to read that book one day.
    It sounds really interesting.
    The photos of your assignments look like an effort of hard work.
    Well done:)

  5. Awesome work a Bree.
    That book sounds awesome.
    Great post.
    Keep up the awesome work.
    Well done.


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